ASEAB- Association for Socio-Economic Advancement of Bangladesh

ASEAB Member Details

Md. Abdul Mazid (Mozid Mahmud)

Md. Abdul Mazid (Mozid Mahmud)

  • Full Name: Md. Abdul Mazid (Mozid Mahmud)
  • Position: Member

Md. Abdul Mazid is famously known as Mozid Mahmud in the literary and cultural domain. With an MA in Bengali literature with first class from Dhaka University, he is one of the prominent poets of the 1980s in Bangladesh. His poetic prominence has made him equally known in West Bengal, India. He received research grants and fellowship from the Bangla Academy and the University Grants Commission, producing two significant books, Nazrul: the Spokesperson of the Third World (1997) and Travelogue of Tagore (2010). He has published extensively on Bengali literature and culture and authored many books and articles. His poetry book Mahfuzamangal received wide acclamation from home and abroad. Many literary critics, from home and abroad, published reviews of Mozid Mahmud’s works. By profession, he is a journalist but carefully escapes popular and prosaic day-to-day information that the job demands. Inspired by his poetic passion, he is more interested in diving deep to understand the meaning of life, emphasizing the intense fabric of thought, the feelings of people, and the evolving complexities of society. He was an adjunct faculty member at different colleges and universities for many years. His deep commitment to transforming the lives of poor people led him to establish an NGO, the Organization for Social Advancement & Cultural Activities (OSACA). With multiple interventions, OSACA works for food security and the legal rights of underprivileged people. He received many national and international awards for his literary work.

ASEAB- Association for Socio-Economic Advancement of Bangladesh